What Makes Up FlxTran?
Our Work

Components of FlxTran

Railroad Right-of-Ways

Railroads run on tracks.  FlxTrans adapts the tracks to roadways for use by cars.  Removing the need for track switches while maintaining the right-of-ways for rapid transit.  Electrical service is provided via the roadway.

Self-Driving Vehicles

We are designing a for-purpose vehicle as the standard car for the service. Other vehicles - including freight haulers - can be adapted for use in the FlxTran system. Each vehicle is specifically outfitted with an hardware and AI package that ensures system safety and speed. All vehicle types are designed for meshed operation.

Hailing App

A major differentiator between  and scheduled rail service is its flexibility.  Instead of a classic fixed and often limited service, FlxTranl provides transport on-demand. Utilizing a hailing app (like Uber or Lyft) or a station kiosk, users schedule their rides from origin stations to their destination stations at the times they desire.  Vehicles are dispatched via a centralized resource manager.  The algorithmic controlled system can adjust charges depending on the need of the users and combine riders to reduce fares. A commercial version is available for freight transport.

System Management

Each individual vehicle is managed within a web of control that optimizes: resource usage of vehicles and roadways, system safety, and speed.

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